It’s so easy to get caught up in the now and going to, that sometimes you forget what you already did.
So, we had a pretty amazing year. Let’s check it out from the beginning, shall we?
We went to see the Rose Parade floats since we literally live down the street from the Rose Parade.

And seeing the floats up close and personal:

Then we had a family excursion to San Clemente, CA:

We celebrated 9 years of marriage and 11 years being together.

Bear had a successful visit with the Easter Bunny:

We finally got Bear a much-needed tent that he put to use during the summer:

We had a family trip to see our favorite soccer team – LAFC:

I successfully grew an orange tree!

Bear graduated from preschool:

We visited a farm and had a blast!

Bear started kindergarten!

I turned 40 and along with it, I went pro with this blog:

Bear turned 6!

Bear went on his first Amtrak ride!

We saw the Seven Magic Mountains:

Bear was introduced to an actual Joshua Tree and not the U2 album:

Bear and I built a gingerbread mini-mansion at his school:

And we added a brand-new member to the family, Smokee:

Overall, it was a pretty awesome year. I would and could say it should’ve been better but I know the lessons of this year, I will definitely use in 2020.
Thank you so much for being here with me for yet another year! I love you all! xoxoxo